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Problems with simultaneously buying and selling

Market uncertainty
Either markets will favor you as the Seller and you will get more money or better terms OR you will take advantage of a Buyer's market and be able to negotiate a better deal. But you can't have BOTH!
Timing Problems
Either you sign a contract to sell the property and then go out and HOPE that you can find a home that you like at a fair price. OR you sign a contract to buy the "perfect home" and then scramble to sell your current one to close on the next one. So you are juggling constant problems coordinating TWO transaction when just one is enough to give you a heart attack.
What happens when one of the transactions has a problem?
What if the Buyer for your home can not close or they start asking for outrageous concessions to stay in the deal? Or the home you want to purchase has inspection or appraisal issues?

Stunning Scenes

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The multitude of problems when Buying and Selling Simultaneously

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